Tuesday, August 5,
I will listen to what the Lord
God is saying. (Psalm 85:8a)
Our Scripture for today serves as the appointed antiphon
(refrain) for the singing of the psalm. It seems to be a response to Elijah’s
demand for an audience with God (see Monday’s reflection).
How is it that so many who claim to hear God and to speak
for God usher in violence? Our psalmist insists that those who truly hear God
will hear of God’s desire for peace. Listen to the rest of the verse: “I will
listen to what the Lord God is saying; for
you speak peace to your faithful people and to those who turn their hearts
to you.” In case we missed it, the psalmist sings one of the loveliest of all
verses in the psalter: “Steadfast love and faithfulness have met
together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other” (vs. 10).
During these very dangerous and violent days, we need to
keep singing this psalm!
Gracious God, You sing peace to your people. May we all
listen intently to what you are singing! In Jesus’ name. Amen.
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